Finally a ‘Haunted House’ vibe within a city! The synopsis is careful to not give too much away (A troubled young woman takes up residence in a Gothic apartment building where she must confront a terrifying evil.) so you’ll have to make plans to see it yourself. It’s got horror alums in Julie Benz (Dexter, Buffy/Angel, Two Evil Eyes), Danielle Harris (Halloween franchise, Hatchet 2-3), and Fionnula Flanagan (The Others, Trash Fire) and the setting looks incredible!

Havenhurst’s Los Angles Theatrical Release will happen on February 10th, 2017 at Laemmie Music Hall. After that, the film will be able to stream on VOD, so be sure to check your cable and satellite schedules after the tenth of February.

I am looking forward to this one folks… We need creepy places for us creepy folks to live in! Look for it on VOD soon!


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