I need to ‘up’ my ‘cult’ cred, and if you ask anyone who is a cult filmmaker these days you KNOW Quentin Tarantino’s name comes up… his latest is ‘DJANGO UNCHAINED’ and it opens on Christmas day. Well, not for us, because I have MULTIPLE DOUBLE PASSES for THIS THURSDAY!!!
The Deets:

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Show Time: 7:00 PM
3090 Carling Ave
Ottawa, ON K2B 7K2

Now, How do YOU get one? Well, you need to post in the comments in THIS POST with the ‘other’ Django film Quentin was involved in (Hint- he acted in it, and we posted about it a long time ago) HURRY, because I will be closing this contest on Tuesday at Midnight!
If that isn’t sweet enough, I will be giving out some Django Unchained Prizes at the screening as well! T-shirts, Playing card decks, Stickers…oh… and some FLASKS! Yeah, you read that right… so get posting and MAKE SURE you check back here on Wednesday to see if you won!

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25 Responses to “Alliance Films and Zombieinfo.com want you UNCHAINED!”

  1. WTL Says:

    The movie you’re thinking of is Sukiyaki Western Django from 2007.

  2. John Says:

    Looks like I’ve been beaten to it. But yeah, Sukiyaki Western Django. Got extra passes, or did I lose?

  3. zombieking Says:

    Everyone keep posting- I have a bunch!
    Also- be sure to check back on Wednesday to see if you won!

  4. Kelly Taylor Says:

    Since you’ve stated you have multiple passes, I figured I would also post! Sukiyaki Western Django (2007), in which he played the role of Piringo!

  5. Lissa Huddlestone Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django!!!!

  6. Jared Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  7. Tony Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  8. Dario Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django
    More importantly, this was a Takashi Miike film! That should bump me to the top of the list to get passes, right?

  9. Rob Taylor Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  10. josh stafford Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  11. Jodi Lariviere Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django!!

  12. Mike Horrigan Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django.

    Just in case you have lots. 🙂

  13. Jolanta Says:

    Sukiyaki western django…not your regular spaghetti western.

  14. Tierra G Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django!!

  15. Sean W. Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  16. Holly Says:

    sUkIyAkI wEsTeRn DjAnJo

  17. Sean P Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django! Let’s get Unchained!

  18. Brad Says:

    From Dusk ‘Till Dawn?

  19. Mark Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django

  20. Janet Hetherington Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django (2007). I’ve got spurs that Djingo Django Django. Plus a Quentin Tarantino action figure form Planet Terror.

  21. Taylor Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django (2007)

  22. Kristian Lariviere Says:

    Sukiyaki Western Django !!!

  23. Brad Says:

    Nope. Sticking with From Dusk ’till Dawn.

  24. Catherine Mary Clark Says:

    Bingo bango…it’s Sukiyaki Western Django!!! 🙂

  25. zombieking Says:

    Contest is closed- Winners will be drawn from those that answered Sukiyaki Western Django and posted here shortly.

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