This contest is ONLY open to residents in CANADA (excluding Quebec) (don’t worry though- I got some more contests coming up for the rest of you! ESPECIALLY you iPhone/iPad users…stay tuned for details!)
Our friends over at Alliance Films have a couple of prize packs featuring stuff promoting the film Immortals! What’s in em? Hell if I know, (it’s stuff and I am told that the stuff kicks all kinds of ass…) but when they arrive I’ll be sure to take a pic and post it.
The contest- CANADIAN RESIDENTS ONLY (excluding Quebec) Post a comment in the previous contest post CLICK HERE FOR THE RIGHT POST… with your favorite God… or Mickey Rourke movie (trick question… MICKEY ROURKE IS A GOD!!!) by November the 10th and I’ll draw out 2 names to contact and send stuff to! Then on November 11th, head to the movies to catch the premiere of IMMORTALS!

UPDATE- the package arrived… and the prizes DO kick ass! Check it out, we got TWO of these bad boys!:

The graphic novel alone is worth it, but 2 blurays of Epic Sword and sorcery goodness? AND a hat, and a bottle opener, and some postcards (which are wicked btw- and feature movie art from Immortals… Very cool stuff Alliance… Thanks for sharing with the ZI readers!

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