Yep…it’s a double post but I JUST got this in my mailbox- and it goes live tomorrow sometime, so hey… EXCLUSIVE!

We first broke news about ‘A little bit Zombie’ on Sept 1st…  They’re giving away a fucking ZOMBIE KILLING TRUCK!!!  Check out their FACEBOOK PAGE HERE as new stuff comes out I’m sure we’ll note it here… but still, go ‘like’ the damn page already… it’s a truck!!!!!!!

The Poster  was created by  Dani Taillefer - and it kicks all kind of ass… although I’m not sure I like ‘Steve’s’ chances… anyway enjoy the poster and don’t forget to enter for that truck! (oh …and the other cool stuff… but c’mon, it’s a TRUCK!)



A Little Bit Zombie (Official Teaser Trailer) from A Little Bit Zombie on Vimeo.

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