Synopsis:A mother and daughter move to a new town and find themselves living next door to a house where a young girl murdered her parents. When the daughter befriends the surviving son, she learns the story is far from over.
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot, Nolan Gerard Funk, Krista Bridges, Allie MacDonald, Eva Link

Ok, while normally I would wait till tomorrow to post… but I just got back from seeing ‘House At The End of the Street’ (which I will now refer to as HATES for short)and I can’t wait… simply put: I LOVED this fucking movie.

Eva Link “Carrie Anne” shares a pic with us at the Red Carpet Premiere in Ottawa…

So, why would a rotting old Zombieking like me have such a love for what seems like the next ‘OMG it’s Katniss’ Jennifer Lawrence vehicle? Well, without giving anything away, I’ll try to tell you. Is it Jennifer Lawrence’s acting? Not really, she is pretty good at being the girl next door, and I really liked seeing her acting with Elizabeth Shue who plays the ‘strained relationship’ Mother role to a ‘T’. In my opinion, Max Theriot is the breakout performer here, with subtleties and really in depth character acting not usually seen for someone his age. The camera work is fantastic and one shot in particular really grabbed me, it was almost a roundabout of the whole exterior of the house when… ahhhhh you thought I’d actually TELL you??? Nope, when you see it, you will know what I mean. The locations are really interesting to look at, weird as that statement is, but when you look at an ‘old’ house, I actually saw a turntable! (That’s a record player for all you young’uns) those small details make the film more ‘whole’ so the art direction was spot on. This film harkens back to the days when the story really draws you in… like ‘the Changeling’, or ‘Psycho’ this film just hits on a lot of levels.
I know that I was putting a lot of push to go see DREDD 3D this weekend, but now I think you should go see TWO movies I don’t think you will regret it one bit!

In a nutshell… I don’t HATES it one bit… awwwwwwwwww…… you knew I had to make that joke, right?

I’m ‘the Zombieking’…and this topic is now DEAD to me!

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