Alright…I don’t post on Sundays normally, but yesterday the Zombiequeen and I spent the entire day at CARNIVAL DIABLO’S FESTIVAL of WONDERS! and simply put, you need to drag your ass to this show! Hopefully this will be come an annual event, because there is NOTHING like it!  It IS running TODAY, and since this monday is a holiday, I urge you greatly to stay till midnight to see the Paranormal show…it’s freaky as fuck. (official review right there fiends!)
While I’d love to show you videos and pics of it all and tell you about it all… FUCK …NO…. you need to see it for your own eyes!
Ok, ok, I’ll give you a taste (PUN INTENDED!), but REALLY the pictures do NOT do it justice! Check out the CARNIVAL DIABLO OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE in fact, take a peek at THISto hear it from the ringmaster of fear himself:
Nikolai Diablo!!!!
Very cool cat that the King got to chat to for a bit, and while the pics are showing a little bit of ONE of the MANY shows that run throughout the day, it is only a fraction of what is there…Â This show will definitely grow over time, so seeing it in an intimate setting was hella cool. Â Here’s a peek at the program, if you hurry you can make the medicine show!
Hay Shore Resort, 717 Lake Park Road, Carleton Place, Ontario… It’s like an old-tyme carnival ground- a little off the beaten path…just like ALL OF US! Seek it out, because this thing is DEFINITELY:
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